Minster Lifeline #21
12 August 2020
Rev. Irene writes:
I hope during this extremely hot weather you have managed to ‘keep cool’. Those who had to cancel holidays abroad at the last minute will, at least, have been able to enjoy not only the beauty of this country but Mediterranean weather as well.
The Minster is a good place to be, perfect temperature for these summer days. It is of course a good place to be at any time. I have so appreciated being in the Minster the last few Sundays and occasionally in the week. How good it is to see so many familiar faces, just sad that we cannot enjoy fellowship over a cup of coffee!
However, as you heard in our Lifeline last week things are still happening albeit on a small scale. We heard about our toddlers last week and this week I want to let everyone know that we are currently planning a family craft session for Wednesday 2nd September and an online Alpha course starting Tuesday 8th September so keep your eyes peeled for details of how to book for these events in the coming couple of weeks.
Could I apologise to anyone who normally joins in the 10am Sunday morning service at home. Due to technical issues we have struggled over the past weeks to get this onto the Hull Minster web site. Please bear with us over this, we have new equipment arriving this week and hopefully will succeed on Sunday. If we continue to have problems, then we will go back to a pre-recorded version until things get sorted.
As Christians it is so important that we come together as the family of Christ.
Hebrews 10:25 “Do not forsake meeting together…. but let us encourage one another.”
Worshipping is so important in our spiritual journey as also is personal prayer. Bishop Frank updates now on personal prayer in the Minster.
Frank White on Being Open for Personal Prayer:
This week marks the eighth week that Hull Minster has been open for what we have called from the beginning “Personal Prayer”. For three days over each weekend small teams have staffed the church so that people could come in to pray. Until two weeks ago that was all that Government Coronavirus Regulations would allow. Recent changes have given the opportunity to support more general visits (including opening the shop on Friday and Saturday) and we have seen the number of tourists from home and overseas increase steadily. I think I speak for all who have been involved that we have found this engagement with people a privilege; it has been humbling to encounter human beings trying to make sense of these unusual times.
It would be impertinent to offer my explanation of everyone’s purpose for visiting the church but a word that comes back to mind time and again is the word “solace”. Those who choose to speak have often said “this is a safe place for me” or “I have really needed to come in to church”. Solace is one way of describing this mixture of comfort and satisfaction. And far from people being preoccupied with their own (sometimes tragic) stories I have been struck by the number of people whose heads are turned upwards, as it were searching for meaning or strength beyond themselves.
The church is a physical expression of faith, a place of encounter with the God who has shown himself in Jesus to be the one who invites contact however clear or confused we may feel we are. How extraordinarily privileged we are to be the people of the Minster, right in the heart of the City, with our doors open to those who are exploring, wondering, hoping, praying!
Hundreds of people have now come quietly into the Chancel over these weeks; some stay only a moment while others may sit for an hour. Some come alone, others in groups. Some want to share their stories and others are intensely private. Some are old friends, regular at worship or people we know from the City, while others are complete strangers. By our main doors being open I hope we are saying that God is always ready to welcome those who seek him.
We are trying to be attentive to the way this opportunity is changing and from this weekend we are opening on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, from 12-3pm each day. We hope you will take the opportunity to come, and we ask you to remember those who are staffing the church and those who come in to the chancel that this may indeed bring people the solace which is one of the great works of the Holy Spirit.
Bishop Frank
Rev Irene concludes:
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 12-3pm each day.
On Sunday’s there will be an online service at 10am and a live service in the Minster at 11:15am. If you would like to be in the Minster for the service at 11:15 please book a place either on-line here or by telephoning the office on 01482 224460.
The Collect for this week.
Lord of heaven and earth,
as Jesus taught his disciples to be persistent in prayer,
give us patience and courage never to lose hope,
but always to bring our prayers before you.
through Jesus Christ our Lord
August Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the month of August can be found here.