Minster Lifeline #16
9 July 2020
I am delighted that by the time you receive this Lifeline Rev. Dominic Black will have been licenced as the new Priest in Charge of Hull Minster and on Sunday at 10am via
social media Dominic will be speaking to us as he opens up God’s word.
At the time of writing this (Tuesday) Dominic and his son Ben hopefully will have covered a
good number of miles on their journey from Middlesbrough to Hull, via York. It is so good that the winds of the previous days have now died down and although there’s an occasional shower this will do nothing to stop these intrepid cyclists finishing the task in hand.
If you haven’t already seen on our web site Dominic and Ben are being sponsored with all funds
raised being for the work of Hull Minster. There are many ways of donating to them with all the details on the website or if you do not have the technology please send to the Parish Centre, clearly marked for Rev. Dominic, sponsored cycle.
This really is a time of celebration but also a time to say ‘thank you’ to Bishop Frank for
joining the team and holding the fort over the past months. I’m not sure 12 months ago whether Frank expected to be tasked with such a huge amount of work but I, for one, can say it has been much appreciated. Bishop Frank will not be disappearing, he will be part of our congregation and will also be helping Rev. Dominic and the team in whatever ways he is able to.
Rev. Dominic is starting during very uncertain times. We have at least managed to open the church for private prayer and we are hoping once Dominic is licenced that not only will we offer some form of worship in the building but also that we will be able to live stream the Sunday morning service from the Minster. There will be further details once Dominic’s feet have touched the ground and he has had the opportunity to meet with the technicians etc. in order for this happen.
Other changes happening this week: we are delighted to welcome Mandy our Children, Youth and Families Minister back from furlough. Mandy had only been with us a couple of months before Covid 19 caused the lockdown so not an easy position for her to be in. Mandy has taken this opportunity to write about her experiences over the past few months.
Mandy adds: I wonder if you created a time capsule to commemorate your life during this pandemic what you would include? Will you look back and remember a time of despair or a time of blessing? I suspect most people’s capsules would be filled with a mixture of happy and sad moments. Mine certainly would be. This last four months have been a myriad of events that seem to all mash into one, and a rollercoaster of emotions that I am sure you can all relate with.
Like many, the first six weeks of lockdown for me, was a time of learning new skills; juggling working from home as well as home schooling two energetic children. We were just getting used to this new normal when the news came that I would be furloughed from my work at the Minster and this news, although completely necessary and understood, was quite a blow to me
because at the time I felt that all the relationships I had started to build since my start in January, would be lost and forgotten. I also felt guilty for not ‘doing’ enough, for not witnessing enough, but during my quiet time I really felt God saying, ‘being with me is enough’ and ‘minister at ‘home’.
So, whilst I did not fill a time capsule, I did fill many other things; many pages in my journal with prayers, thoughts and meditations; many pages in my scripture colouring book during the times that my mind was overthinking; my tummy with delicious snacks probably more times than I should have; and many pages of our foster children’s scrapbooks with photos of nature walks, craft activities, water fights, beach trips, and church at home sessions. Happy memories to last a lifetime. We have laughed, cried, danced, and worshipped together and we have all grown closer to each other but most importantly to our loving Father during this time, something that would not have been possible without the last nine weeks of furlough.
2020 will therefore be forever memorable and I will be eternally thankful for the time I got to spend at home, enjoying a simpler life, and just ‘being’. I have learned a lot more about ministering with children and families and am now more than ready to return to my work at the Minster, excited to see what the future holds with our new priest in charge, Dominic, at the helm. Blessings, Mandy x
Irene concludes, I hope that you have been able to join in the meditations on the psalms that have been put together by various people to help us focus on this new adventure for Hull Minster. If you haven’t done this yet they are still available on the website and well worth using as a focus for prayer.
The Collect for this week.
Almighty God,
send down upon your church
the riches of your Spirit,
and kindle in all who minister the gospel
your countless gift of grace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
July Prayer Diary
Daily prayer points throughout the month of July can be found here.