Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline #43

27 OCTOBER 2021


Every morning as I look out of my kitchen window, I see the two-bird feeder in heavy use by the blue tits and sparrows having their breakfast treat. However, on the ground under the feeder there are always pigeons, waiting to eat the crumbs that have fallen to the ground as the small birds get their fill. Every day this reminds me of the verse in the bible where the Gentile woman asks Jesus to save her daughter. After some discourse between them the woman says, “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' tables.”  Although I have read many commentaries on this passage it still makes me feel uncomfortable – the response of Jesus is very hostile, however he does show compassion when he sees the amount of faith the woman has, and her daughter is healed.

I think of the many times we hear the words ‘levelling up’ and how there are many happy with the ‘crumbs’ that may come their way. Only last week I was in touch with the co-ordinator for the asylum seekers in Hull asking how the Minster may be able to help. This is an ongoing conversation, but an immediate need is warm clothing for winter particularly, hats, scarves, gloves, warm jackets, jumpers, and boots.

If anyone can help with any of these, we will have a collection point in the Minster.

Thank you!

Rev. Dominic wrote for Lifeline a couple of weeks ago however we were unable to put Lifeline onto social media so here it is, to share with you now…

There are not many programmes my wife and I watch together on the TV these days, she likes Strictly Come Dancing and gruesome medical dramas and, when I don’t have evening meetings, I prefer historical drama and documentaries. But there is one series that we never miss, Call the midwife. Call the Midwife captures the struggles and the joys of the drama of the beginning of human life tracing the great social changes of the mid-20th century. 

Until you have had a child you have no idea how your life is going to change! There is something wonderful and terrifying about a new life coming into the world. Who is this new person and what will they become? Dread and fear, hope and joy, but mostly an overwhelming love. I remember the weight of responsibility of coming out of Hull Royal Infirmary with this tiny child in a car seat. The car came with a maintenance and repair manual, but the baby didn’t! Well somehow our parenting was good enough and nearly 18 years on our eldest is testing his wings and getting ready to fly the nest.

Both my parents died before I met my wife, my mum just a year before. She wasn’t there at the wedding, she wasn’t around to see my children, something she talked about when she was dying of cancer. But to her dying day she carried a greater loss, a loss more painful even than the sudden death of her husband 15 years before, a loss that was seldom talked about and many had probably forgotten about, the death of her first baby, Christopher who died at a few weeks old, the brother I never met. People were full of good advice, move on, try for another, that was me, my name means gift of the Lord. But that loss never went away, it was a pain she took to her death bed. 

Baby Loss Awareness Week (9-15 Oct) now in its 19th year. Some things cannot be fixed; they can only be carried but it can help when you can be with other parents who have been through similar trauma. On Sunday 12th December 2-3pm there will be a special Candle Lighting service for all those who have lost babies and children at Hull Minster. 

Grief is the price we pay for love. We never truly ‘get over’ a loss, there is always a part of us that is broken, life will never be the same again. We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in all the world — the company of those who have known suffering. For a parent, losing a child is the most devastating and painful experience. As Christians we know that Jesus came to be with us in life and through death, through his love we are always connected with those we have loved.  


SATURDAYS 4pm 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5TH Evening Prayer

SUNDAY                 10:30am Holy Communion in the Minster


We continue to explore different ways of producing a recorded service for a Sunday morning online. Still experiencing a few issues but we will keep trying!

CHURCH @ 4 Every Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be a café style service.

WELCOMERS REQUIRED if you think meeting and greeting people in the Minster may be something that you would enjoy doing before and/or after our Sunday services please let a team member know. We will arrange to meet with all who are interested to discuss what is required. This is a very important part of our ministry at the Minster! Thank you


MINSTER PRAISE IS BACK – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30am.

PLEASE NOTE: The Minster will be open each day WEDNESDAY to SATURDAY 10am-4pm. MINSTER SHOP will be open during these times.


2pm HANA – fashion & talent show

7pm WITH A VOICE OF SINGING – Four local choirs come together after a long time of silence!


There will be a celebration of Maisie’s life in the Minster on Friday 12th November at 2pm. The family hope this will be an opportunity for them and friends to come together and give thanks for her long life.

If you have any stories or anecdotes about Maisie, please contact Rev Irene or Maisie’s daughter Anne.

Hull Art Circle exhibition is on display in the northeast side of the Minster

The Heritage Volunteering group

If you would like to be involved, please contact Jane at Click here for full details.


The Christmas stock will be out for sale from Wednesday 20th October. Some orders are taking a while to arrive, but this means that new things will keep appearing over the next few weeks. We have some lovely children’s books coming from Lion Publishing that we’re excited about. There is new jewellery and Fair-Trade items, tree decorations and Advent calendars. We are also working hard to bring you a new Minster Christmas card, taken this year from the Nativity Window in the North Transept. At soon as we have a copy, I will put it in the Lifeline so that orders can be taken. Please feel free to contact me anytime relating to the Shop on email.

Sue McGaw, Buying Team Co-ordinator


On Remembrance Sunday 14th November we will be reading out, in the Minster, all the names from within the Golden Book. This will begin at 12:30pm and if you are willing to read a section of names, please contact Dave Allum 07856 942067

CHURCH HEATING Thank you to the wardens and operations team that have worked hard to get a temporary heating system fitted in the Minster for this winter. Success! It made such a difference over the weekend both for the craft fayre and café on Saturday and the worship on Saturday and Sunday. However, this if costly, any donations to help keep the Minster warm this winter would be appreciated.

BIBLE STUDIES The Minster Bible Study has begun a new series this week entitled ‘What is Praise’. This is on zoom so do join in if you are able. 7:30pm every Wednesday evening.


Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,500 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer, and start shopping. It is that simple! Get started today!

Shop online with Give as you Live Online and raise a money for PCC of The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, Hull the simple way.


Psalms 24:1-6

Isaiah 25:6-9

Revelation 21:1-6a

John 11:32-44


God of holiness, your glory is proclaimed in every age.

as we rejoice in the faith of your saints,

inspire us to follow their example

with boldness and joy

through Jesus Christ


This Month’s Prayer Diary

Daily prayer points throughout the current month can be found here.