Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline 14 2022

26th April 2022

Heather Black Writes:

Have you seen the beautiful Easter garden full of Easter people? You can find the garden in the chancel at the Minster. It is growing weekly as more children (and adults) add people to this Easter scene. The children and adults love choosing their outfits and hair and really enter in with creativity and imagination.

With each family over Easter, we sat around the garden and reflected on the Easter story, and then they chose where their person was in the story.  Some said they wanted to watch by the cross, others wanted to be first to the tomb to find it was empty, others were disciples running to hear the Good News, others were on the edge watching and wondering what it all means.

We had a wonderful time entering deeply into the Easter story – so thank you for helping to make it happen.

The garden will be in the Minster over the coming weeks so if you have the opportunity do visit.

Thank you. Heather Black

Breakfast Praise Sundays 9:30  

Toast and tea served from 9:10!

Jon Major writes for us:

On the 2nd of April 1982 Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, a British territory in the South Atlantic.

A vast task force of British ships was quickly assembled. The ships consisted of Royal Navy and merchant ships taken up from trade. Nine of the Merchant ships were requisitioned from Kingston upon Hull, the most any city provided.

The P&O ferry MV Norland was converted to a troop carrier and embarked the troops from the 2nd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment, five deep sea trawlers were at sea fishing and told to go immediately to Rosyth in Scotland, their catch was off loaded and they were converted to mine sweepers and commissioned into the 11th Mine Counter Measures squadron (11MCM) of the Royal Navy, the ships were HMS Northella, HMS Farnella, HMS Cordella, HMS Junella and HMS Pict. Three deep sea Tugs were also provided Yorkshireman, Irishman and Salvageman.

All nine ships from Hull played a huge part in the conflict and on Sunday 19th June Hull Minster will once again play host to commemorate these ships and their crews. This has, for a number of years been one of the Minsters largest civic services and this year being the 40th anniversary is expected to attract over 500. It is hoped there will be a visiting Royal Naval ship in port for the weekend. The service will be led by Rev. Canon Dominic Black and Rev. Irene Wilson, who is honorary chaplain to 11MCM will preach. After the service, the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines will lead veterans to the cenotaph for a wreath laying.


Please note: No morning and evening prayer this week

SUNDAY     9.30 am      Breakfast Church

                   11 am         Holy Communion in the Minster


SATURDAY    4 P.M. 1st and 3rd Evensong, 2nd Taize, 4 & 5th Evening Prayer          

MINSTER PRAISE – 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m


Full opening Wednesday – Saturday from 10 - 4 

GRIEF AWARENESS CAFÉ (Second Wednesday of every month)

INTEGRATION COFFEE MORNING (Second Thursday of every month)


The Knitters meet every Wednesday and the crafters meet on the 2nd Monday of each month only.


The new series, It’s God Calling, begins on Wednesday 4th May


There is to be a new plan for the churches in the Deanery of Hull.   Wide consultation is taking place and the Deanery Leadership Team  (DLT) is especially keen to hear the voices of lay church members.   Please feel welcome to pop in for refreshments and have your say. 

Thursday 28th April 7pm – 9pm 

St Aidan’s Church, Southcoates Avenue, HU9 3HF 


Friday 29th April 2pm-4pm 

St Andrew’s Church, Sutton Park, Grandale, HU7 4BL  

Cathy Westby and Richard Liversedge (DLT members) will be here 

to welcome you and share ideas together. 

HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!                                        

The Refreshed Vision for Churches in the Diocese of York ('Living Christ's Story') includes: 

'Becoming more like Christ' 'Reaching people we currently don't' 'Growing churches of missionary disciples' and 'Transforming our finances and structures' 

ENQUIRIES:  Helen's mobile 07969 421 354 

 CHRISTIAN AID HUMBER BRIDGE CROSS – 2022 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary

Pay in your sponsor money via Just Giving or direct to Christian Aid

Link your Just Giving page to the Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross 2022 Team Page using this link (if necessary, copy and paste into your browser address box:

Christian Aid Week is 15th to 21st May, and you may choose to do your Humber Bridge Cross then. This year’s theme is Hungry for Justice.

It’s the 40th Christian Aid Humber Bridge Cross!  Join the celebration!  Every year since 1982 we have crossed the Humber, either starting at Barton to work north or from Hessle to go south, then return.  Our one-day big event for this had to change during 2020 and 2021 lockdowns.  However, problems can lead us to new ways.  Support for Christian Aid when there were many needs was vital; and supporters did their own sponsored Bridge cross on the day they chose.  2022 is both a celebration, and a continuing contribution to Christian Aid’s work.

To mark the 40th Anniversary we are asking people to do the Humber Bridge Cross any day during the 40 days starting on Easter Monday (18th April) and ending on 27th May.  It will be great to know that individuals, friends, families, and church groups – and dogs on leads – will be helping others and enjoying a good walk.


  • We pray for a peaceful solution to the ongoing tension between Russia/Ukraine.  The prayer for Ukraine can be found on the Hull Minster website.

  • We pray for Frankie Terry and George Mallinson being baptised at the Minster this Sunday and for their parents and godparents as they support them in their journey of faith.

  • Please pray for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting to be held on the 8th May

  •  Please continue to pray for all those involved in the children’s ministry at the Minster – during the 9:30 service and Little Fishes.



Risen Christ,

you filled your disciples with boldness and fresh hope;

strengthen us also to proclaim your risen life

and fill us with your peace,

to the glory of God the Father.



Psalm 30

Acts   9:1-6

Rev.   5:11-14

John   21:1-19