Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline 12

Rev. Irene writes: 


Many of you will know Tim Wilsson, if not, he’s the one who is out there helping the less fortunate in whatever way he can.  He is a true servant of Jesus, humble, hardworking and a pleasure to work alongside.  Tim and I are very involved in the Thursday Welcome Café and through this Tim has reached out to so many people.  He really is a special person and well deserves the honour given to him.  Bishop Eleanor chose Tim to receive the Maundy money this year as you read below, this was a very ‘special’ occasion.

TIM WILSON writes:

For me accepting gratitude for something that I have done never comes easy., particularly, when the thing that I did is what we all are asked to do every single day.

That is to love and care for one another.  Put simply being kind to one another.

I was reluctant to write this account of what my wife Gill and I had the privilege of attending on Maundy Thursday.  But!  Rev Irene asked me to do this and as I have the highest regard for Irene, because of her remarkable service, dedication, and leadership in pastoral care to the life of our Parish, over many years, how could I say no.

It was the Royal Maundy Service at Worcester Cathedral, where I along with 139 other recipients received the two leather pouches that contain the Maundy coins, from His Majesty the King.

Because of the Kings poor health it was Her Majesty the Queen that gave me to two purses. One red one white.

Goodness what an astonishing service, where the Church of England and State come together with all the pomp and circumstance and humanity to celebrate the most basic of requests, which is to serve one another regardless of who we are King or member of the public.

 I'll end by sharing with you the one prayer that explains my actions. In its condensed version, the prayer of St Ignatius of Loyola

 “Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve; to give, and not to count the cost, to fight, and not to heed the wounds, to toil, and not to seek for rest, to labour, and not to ask for reward, except that of knowing that we are doing your will.” Amen

Simple acts of kindness each day.

The one and only disappointment was there wasn't the offer of a cup of tea, following the service. When we asked,  we were told the cathedral cafe was closed.


Revd. Ben Norton has asked if we could collect sweets and chocolate as treats for the Ukrainian soldiers being trained in this country.

In addition, Olga has asked whether we could collect summer clothes for teenagers in Ukraine, particularly suitable for wearing at school.  The temperature there at present is 26 degrees!


It was a pleasure to host members of the South Atlantic Medal Association at our 11am service on Sunday as part of their annual general meeting taking part in Hull.   It was also poignant to Rev. Irene who is the Honorary chaplain to 11th Mine Counter Measures Squadron which is made up of the five Hull trawlers taken up from trade as she preached at the service


On April 2nd we hosted a Barefoot Challenge walk around the Nave to celebrate people with Autism and those who love and support them.


Autism is a hidden disability. While it may not always be immediately apparent to others, it profoundly impacts the lives of those who experience it. Individuals with autism often face unique challenges related to communication, social interaction, sensory processing, and understanding social cues. These difficulties are not always visible on the surface, making autism a hidden aspect of their identity.

The Minster welcomes many people with autism into the church particularly on a Thursday at the 'Welcome Cafe'.  It was great therefore to see the number of visitors attending to not only support the event but also to find out about how people's lives are affected by this hidden disability.

It was lovely to see some of our Minster family attending to offer not only their support, but also answering questions too, from personal experience.  Shirley Kay


Meet Bill Bishop, or how he is better known, Bishop of East Hull

Bill has been welcoming at the Minster for 14 years and he is proud to say it is a big part of his life.  In his words ‘my motivation of the job is to look after all who visit the Minster and I get great pleasure in listening to our great choir (the best on the planet).Bill is a lifelong supporter of Hull Kingston Rovers as well as a shareholder in the club and there is no better feeling than getting one over on the black & whites, it is great banter. 

He is also former SAS – Saturdays & Sundays or Salvation Army Services.

We thank you Bill for being such a lovely welcoming guy, our lives are better for you being here.  Jon Major

Thank you all for the journey I am on.  Bill

Nominate Hull Minster to win £1,000

Benefact Group Movement for Good is an annual programme of giving that anyone can get involved in. You can nominate Hull Minster to be in the next draw with the possibility of winning £1,000. It is very quick and easy to do, and the more people who nominate the Minster the greater the chance we could be one of the 50 winners. Simply use the link and fill in your nomination. You will need our charity number, which is 1130772.

 Giving for the Gospel

Thank you to everyone who has completed and returned their pledge forms for Giving for the Gospel on March 17th. If you still have a pledge form to return it isn’t too late, you can bring it in during April. Thank you for your generous giving.

Finance and Fundraising Group.

Thank you to everyone who has completed and returned their pledge forms for Giving for the Gospel on March 17th. If you still have a pledge form to return it isn’t too late, you can bring it in during April. Thank you for your generous giving.

Finance and Fundraising Group.

Many thanks, Heather

How cool is this?

One of the lovely HEY volunteers, Gillian, took the Easter bouncing bunny design to a new level, creating a bouncing ‘nunny’  in honour of Sister Catherine. Gill Alden


If you are not on the Electoral Roll (which allows you to vote in the Annual Meeting in May and be eligible for the PCC), please see Val Fotherby for a form.  You need to have been in regular attendance at the Minster for six months.

Pictures of Saturday’s Ceilidh will be in next week’s edition

Messy Church returns for Holy Week. This service will include craft activities around the story of Easter, followed by a short act of worship and then refreshments. Messy Church is a great way for the whole family to explore the Easter story in a creative and fun way.