Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline 18

Rev. Irene writes:

Did you see the ‘Northern Lights’? How amazing that our skies can be filled with such wonder. I am aware that it is a scientific phenomenon however putting science to one side I can’t help but think what a wonderful world God created.

Jon Major our verger often sends articles to us about people within the church community well this week it is his turn.

Jon, ex royal navy and Falklands veteran, was privileged this week to attend a royal garden party at Buckingham Palace. The King and Queen were in attendance and along with many others.  Jon ‘scrubbed up’ well to look the part.


Oluwadamilare Ekundayo Odunayo Modupeoluwa Oluwatunamininu Enola Colette ADISA

JASMINE gift from God

OLUWADAMILARE means God has blessed us or favoured me

EKUNDAYO  means My tears have turned to joy

ODUNAYO means season or year of Joy

MODUPEOLUWA means I am grateful to God

ADISA the clear one or lucid one

Jasmine a wonderful gift from God after Kirsty and Yemi had been told another child was not possible!


Last week we featured Olga Clayton was 94 this last Tuesday. Here she is this Sunday surveying her beautiful cake made by Zoe!


Revd. Ben Norton has asked if we could collect sweets and chocolate as treats for the Ukrainian soldiers being trained in this country.

In addition, Olga has asked whether we could collect summer clothes for teenagers in Ukraine, particularly suitable for wearing at school.  The temperature there at present is 26 degrees!


Sunday 19th May is now Hull Deanery’s Pentecost Praise at 6:30pm in Hull Minster.

There will be no other Sunday evening worship.


These are continuing and you can find them in this week’s diary.


There’s another member of our church community that was a recipient of the Maundy Money. Sadly, because of the Pandemic, this person could not go to Windsor Castle to be part of such a significant service where individuals are recognised for their willingness to serve,  receive recognition and a gift from the Monarch personally, as I did.

It’s a person who I have got to know over many years. From the start theirs was to provide pastoral care to those who through illness or infirmity could not attend church.

This person has given freely of their Faith to simply everyone, even those that caused them both physical and emotional harm.  It meant speaking up for them during the criminal proceedings, visiting them in prison and extending the hand of forgiveness and care.
A truly remarkably example to us all.
Not just for that remarkable example but for the service to others year after year,  all of which were justly rewarded with such a gesture from the Monarch.
Sadly, the two purses were delivered in a brown envelope by the Royal Mail, not personally by the Queen as mine were.
This person’s actions has and will continue to encourage me to extend the hand of kindness and understanding to all I meet.
To whom am I referring?  It’s Rev Irene Wilson.  Tim Wilson

Some of you may also remember our former verger, Gordon Barley, who received the Maundy Money for his dedicated service to the then, Holy Trinity, as also did David Stipetic.


After months of work in the background, the diocesan website has been relaunched following a major rewrite  It is now much more user friendly and easy to find information.  There is lots of information there about faith life and running churches.   Do have a look.  You will also spot a number of Hull Minster pictures on there. https:/

Websites are always a work in progress.  Our web audience is more public facing than the diocese site so there are those looking for a church but also those looking to find the café or interested in events.  If you spot anything on the Hull Minster website that you think is incorrect, out of date or a broken link, please let us know by emailing


This week the older group spent their time preparing a lesson to give, in person, to the younger ones next Sunday.  Will report on this next week.

The younger group learned more about Moses and how he received the Ten Commandments from God.  They then had to think about themselves and their lives, to draw up their own ten commandments.  Their responses showed an understand of the need to have boundaries and consideration for others.



Next Sunday is the Annual Church Meeting at 1 p.m.  Please come along so that you can hear what is happening and contribute to discussions.


Holy Spirit, sent by the Father,

ignite in us your holy fire;

strengthen your children with the gift of faith,

revive your Church with the breath of love,

and renew the face of the earth



Psalm 1

Acts 2:1-21

John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15


·         For the people in Ukraine, for the soldiers being trained in this country, for an end to the Russian invasion.

·         For peace in Israel and Palestine and other areas of conflict in the world.  For families of the hostages and those suffering the repercussions.

·         We pray for food supplies and aid to reach the desperate.

·         We pray for safety for all aid workers and for the families of those that have recently been killed.

·         We pray for negotiations not retaliation as we try to move forward to peace

·         We pray for those who are struggling to keep their homes through no fault of their own. Asking for compassion and help to be shown.

·         For all those who have been recently bereaved. Comfort them in their sorrow.

·         For farming communities struggling to sow and grow crops. For all those involved in the lambing season where fields are flooded causing extreme stress to all.