Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline 22

Rev. Irene writes:

Yesterday in our 11 a.m. service we were delighted to baptise Emmeline Pauline Mckay Stephenson. Emmeline and her family regularly attend our 9:30 a.m. family service and her sisters Brooke and Violet Rose attend Girls’ Brigade at the Minster.

We talked about the importance of the many milestones in growing up but not least the opportunity to share with her as she grows: the love of Jesus.

It was fun to sing one of our worship songs ‘Shine’. Our choir members joined in the actions led by Ruth Ogilvy and Rev. Rob. Appropriate words for the start, or continuation of a Christian journey.

‘Shine, from the inside out,

That the world will see

You live in me.’

What a wonderful journey when the love of Jesus shines in our lives.


Michael, one of our regular visitors enjoying relaxing and reading in our new book corner


The final Zoom Bible Study of this session will take place this Wednesday at 7:30 - go to the website and click on Teaching.



Over the next few weeks, there will be a short bio pic of members of the PCC.  It is important that people know who they are and to remember to pray for them.

This week It’s about one of our very well-known figures, Verger, Jon Major.

“I was born and brought up in Hull and worshipped at St. Marks Bellfield from a young age, serving as altar boy.   Confirmed at St. James, Sutton in 1975.

 For twenty-three years I served in the Royal Navy before going into the hospitality trade and managing pubs for fourteen years.

Nine years ago I entered Holy Trinity hoping to organise a service to recognise nine Hull ships, the five trawlers in particular.  There was already a very good service to recognise the Norland, but I wanted it to celebrate the trawlers in particular.  

From then it seems I have never left, volunteering on the cafe before becoming Verger in 2020, a role which I love.

I have also served on the PCC for three years.”    


We, The Rainbow Garden Trustees, are saddened to share that the Fire Service were called out to the garden in the early hours of Friday morning (14/6/24). The level of fire damage is very upsetting, but we are also thankful that no one was hurt.

The Rainbow Garden shed, and shelter is completely destroyed as well as the outdoor seating area. This was a supportive space where we shared laughs and tears over cups of tea, while sheltering from the weather.

We will be closing the garden for one week to support police and fire investigations, while ensuring the site is made safe for the community. Activities will be cancelled during this period, please be understanding when we re-open as we may need to adapt as we try to bring back what was lost.

The level of support from our neighbours and friends has been encouraging and it’s fantastic to say we have not lost the community spirit. This event has impacted a lot of us, and we ask people not to speculate about the cause of the fire.

We will need some help to move forward in due course, especially a few hands to clear the site and make the area safe. The Charity will continue to keep the community informed via our Facebook posts.

Thank you all from  Brenda, Emma, and The Rainbow Garden Trustees

If you wish to donate, please use this page 

Jon also writes:

Only recently I contacted Brenda and other allotment holders to pre plan for an exhibition for our Harvest Festival in September.  All are looking forward in showcasing the work they do for the community and showing the produce they grow.  Let us all hope and pray that this project can rise once more like a phoenix from the ashes.

Also this week:

On Tuesday this week I had the pleasure of taking a group from Bishop Burton college up the tower, the group included one of our volunteers Charlie.

The visit to the church was organised by Ann Wilkinson and all the students had a very memorable day.

IRENE AND TIM SAYING PRAYERS AND GIVING thanks from the pulpit at last week’s welcome café and listening space

Louise's Announcement

My big news is that Richard(my husband) and I have been appointed to a new job!

We will be leaving Hull at the end of August to do a job-share as vicars of the St Aldhelm's Benefice: a group of seven village churches in the Purbecks in Dorset, just a few miles from where I was born and grew up.

We knew that my curacy here at Hull Minster would be coming to an end during this year, but we hadn't thought it would be quite as soon as this, or that we would be moving so far away. During the five years I have been in theological college and a curate, Richard and I have been in different churches, so we're looking forward to being able to worship and work together, and we are confident that this is God's call for us for the next step together.

If anyone has been watching Springwatch on television, we will be living in the village of Corfe Castle, where the peregrine nest is being filmed. Our house is another big, old vicarage with a very overrun garden, so we have had plenty of practice with that! Also, it has plenty of rooms if anyone fancies a trip to Dorset. The steam train to Swanage runs along the bottom of the garden, so we will be exchanging the sirens of Clough Road for the chuff chuff of steam.

During August I am hoping to say goodbye to people by having a BBQ in the vicarage garden – Saturday 17th August at 6 pm.  Please save the date.   I shall really miss you all and have been so thankful  to God for my time with you all at Hull Minster.  Louise


We have now raised over £500 for Hull Minster through Easyfundraising! Thank you to everyone who is signed up and remembers to use Easyfundraising when they shop online, every donation makes a difference.

 Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when you use Easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself! All you need to do is sign up and remember to use Easyfundraising whenever you shop online. If you’re booking holidays, doing a regular online shop, buying clothes or gifts, all your online shopping can make a difference.

 It’s easy and completely FREE! These donations really mount up, so please sign up to support us at   Heather Black


The girls have been practicing really hard and we're looking forward to playing at this venue. Let's hope the weather holds! We will look forward to seeing you.  Lauren Jeffries



Gracious Father, by the obedience of Jesus

you brought salvation to our wayward world;

draw us into harmony with your will,

that we may find all things restored in Him,

our Saviour Jesus Christ




Psalm 9:9-end

2 Corinthians 6:1-13

Mark 4:35-end



·         For the many areas of the world where there is conflict. We ask for peace and reconciliation. Where dialogue can replace weapons

·         We pray for food supplies and aid to reach the desperate.

·         We pray for those who are struggling to keep their homes through no fault of their own. Asking for compassion and help to be shown.

·         For all those who have been recently bereaved. Comfort them in their sorrow.

·         For the people of Myanmar facing a humanitarian crisis.

·         For all political parties, that they may be truthful and honest as they move towards the general election.

·         For all those sitting examinations in school or university. Help them to be calm and achieve the desired outcomes.