Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline 35

This week Irene writes:

This week Revd. Irene writes:

Harvest Special

All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above

Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord for all his love.

 It all began the week leading up to our Harvest Worship celebrations. There are several displays in the Minster from food organisations around the city.

 On the Thursday morning I went to Quik flowers near to where I live and collected what I thought was going to be ’Fifty stems’ only to find hundreds of beautiful flowers of many varieties. The team at Quik flowers were brilliant and extremely generous – thank you so much!  A huge thank you also to Fiona for putting together the displays

Our harvest celebration concluded with two acts of worship and then from choir children to Dignitaries, all shared a picnic lunch at the Minster today,

Rev. Irene would like to thank EVERYONE who helped with the catering for the harvest picnic.  Thank you.


Do you have some spare time on a Thursday morning?  Then why not be a part of a
great group of fellow church members who volunteer at what is now the very busy, well established, Welcome Cafe.
If you’re interested, come along from 10:30 and just see how it runs and then if you feel It’s something you’d like to get involved with, the join in.
You don’t have to commit to every Thursday.  The busy period is between 11:00 and 1:00pm.
It’s become a very popular Community Hub for anywhere up to one hundred people who regularly attend.
If you’re interested, come along on a Thursday and have a look, ask questions and then decide.
Speak to Irene or Tim or any of the other volunteers.


The Benefact group gives away £1,000 donations to charities and the next draw is Monday 23rd September.  Please nominate Hull Minster so that we have a chance of winning £1,000.  You will need to be quick and follow the link to vote:

You will need our charity number which is: 1130772,  Many thanks.  Heather Black


‘It was a privilege and a joy to take part in the Archbishops 'Celebration of Lay Ministries' service at York Minster. It was lovely for Ann and me to have a few words with him and a photo after the service on the steps of the Minster.

Mark Russell, from The Children's Society' preached on John 3;16...for God so loved the world that he gave his son that whomsoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

He spoke about a woman, whose husband had been murdered on his way to play the organ at Evensong, whom he had accompanied every day to the trial of the perpetrators. At the end of the trial, as the mothers of the two young men responsible were leaving court, this woman pushed through the crowd and put her arms around the two mothers. This act of love and forgiveness was really moving and inspiring, putting Jesus words into practice.

Archbishop Stephen highlighted the importance of Lay ministry by reminding us that,  all of us who follow Jesus and are disciples,  have a Lay ministry. We all have a part to play. I pray that we all, whoever we are in the church, or whatever we do, may continue to develop our ministry, and grow in new ways of service. Amen.’ Kate Goforth

Research is being carried Single Homeless Project and Solace, in to Women who are rough sleepers, by  carrying out a short survey from the 23rd to the 29th September and ‘Shp’ are asking for help.
This is a subject that is not fully understood as to the numbers of women who have nowhere safe to go at night or nowhere to go at all.
If you’d like to know more about this important work, see the notice sheet that’s available on the church notice board or at the visitor welcome desk area.
There is a website:

This is a courtesy notice regarding parking at Hull Minster.
A few weeks ago the council repainted the yellow lines down the North side of the church.  Parking attendants patrol this area frequently and are giving out parking tickets to those who park there unless they are a blue badge holder.
It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure they are parking legally.  The nearest car park to the church is on Lowgate opposite the King Billy statue, Zebedee’s yard or on South Side (parking meter).  It is worth noting however, that in the next few weeks the portacabin's will be removed.  This will create more space for parking legally (watch this space)!  Thank you all for your co-operation.  Shirley


Holy God, faithful and unchanging;

enlarge our minds with the knowledge of your truth and draw us more deeply into the mystery of your love

that we may truly worship you

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

One God, now and forever.



Psalm 124

James 5:13-end

Mark 9:38-end


·         We pray for our farmers here in the UK and around the world that they may be able to grow sufficient food to feed the world population.

·         For those areas of the world that are severely affected by climate change and by conflict that affects their ability to grow food.

·         For the people in our country that they will be able to access sufficient food to feed their families.

·         Help us who have plenty to give generously.

·         We pray for the many areas of conflict in our world.  Give wisdom to those who have the power to bring about change.  Particularly we pray for the Middle East.

·         We pray for all those who have been recently bereaved.  Comfort them in their sorrow.

·         We pray for the young people in Hull Minster that they will gain understanding of what it means to love God and serve others.

·         Help us remember to always give thanks.