Hull Minster

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Minster Lifeline 3

REV. IRENE writes:

On Thursday afternoon last week, the Trinity Rooms were officially opened. This saw the substantial completion of phase 3 of the building work at the Minster, with only some more minor works to be completed to the Broadley Chapel (very soon!), new North side crypt access, bicycle shed, heritage display cabinets, raised flower beds, and new wooden screens to hide chair (and other) storage areas.

There were representatives from Highways England (who had supported this work with a substantial grant), members of the Board of our Development Trust, Houltons builders, our project managers and consultants Alan Wood & Partners, our architects for this project Bauman Lyons, our mechanical and electrical services consultants Sutcliffe Consulting Engineers, our heritage advisor from the Centre for the Study of Christianity and Culture at the University of York, along with the Archdeacon, other representatives of the Diocesan Advisory Committee, Emma Hardy MP, some of the significant benefactors to this project and various other members of the church.

This means that our café is now officially open with Zoe being the Manager, Heritage work is beginning to be put in place led by Jane Owen and the Minster is ready to be open six days a week as a place of worship, a building of great heritage and a place to offer a listening space to anyone in need.

Very soon there will be a new welcome area where you will be able to find out about all activities that are taking place in the building so we hope that you will come along, explore and, wherever possible, become involved in some of the things on offer.


From Daniel, only just out of his teens, and Olga, now 92!

“I'm Dan Fullalove, a second-year student at the University of Hull, studying for a history and politics degree. I have been close to church communities ever since I was seven, having been a member of Wakefield and Blackburn Cathedrals. I volunteered at the Minster because I loved interacting with people as part of the choir and wanted to commit more time.

I also hope that people coming into the minster and seeing a younger face might allow more young people to feel comfortable coming in and asking questions.”


“Have you read our latest issue of “Lifeline”?  If not, make sure you do it for it has all the latest news and a diary of the coming events at Hull Minster.

I look forward to the postman delivering mine each week with all the updates on events and news.

You can enjoy it too, just speak to Irene or Val.  Olga


Junior Church - over the last 12 months the young people have been working through the books of the Old Testament. On Sunday we finally got to the Book of Daniel. The lions’ den was filled with fierce creatures, thanks to Tom and Katie P, guarded well by Oliver and Jess! Dan made an excellent Daniel, and Rev Rob was King Darius. Great fun was had! 


Find out about opportunities to work in this Christian organisation.

From Rev. Dominic:

There is a day for anyone aged 18 to 30 considering ministry in the Church of England.


This is a Riding Lights production to be held in the Minster on Thursday 2nd February at 7:30 p.m.  (Adults £10, Concession £6, Supporter £12).  Please book with the Box Office: 01904 655317 or at

Have you a spare bed available? We are looking for five ‘sleepovers’ for the cast of Riding Lights on 2nd February.  If you can accommodate one or more of the actors for overnight and breakfast this would be really helpful. Please let Rev. Dominic know if you can oblige. Thank you


Please note there will be no Study on the 25th because of the evening with the Archbishop in the Minster. We will continue the study on the Faith of Daniel and his friends Wednesday 1st February.

Space the Universe and Everything

What a start to 2023, An amazing light show that had people mesmerised and engaged. 5200 people came and saw it in four nights and the Choir held evensong in the middle of it. The pictures say more than any words but we must say Thank you to Alasdair, Shirley  and the team of volunteers who worked so hard and late into the night to make it a success. The shop and cafe were staffed by our volunteers and had were a roaring success still trading long after the lights had finished. What an amazing site to see young and old lying next to each other on the Nave floor looking up at the ceiling watching the show, so many commenting on how warm and comfy the floor was and that the whole event exceed their expectations. Well done to all who helped and extended the much appreciated warm welcome to the Minster and the hot chocolate in the café

Minster Craft Tutorials – what are they I hear you say. Let me explain… It does not matter if you can’t craft or think you can’t that’s what the tutorial is for. Glenis and Becky run Minster Crafters which has been part of the Minster for many years. We run tutorials once a month, (1st Tuesday) and all supplies and materials are FREE! There is no commitment to attend every month, but Becky does need numbers beforehand for supplies. We have refreshments and chat as we learn. Why not pop along and see for yourself, if you don’t like it, well fair enough you gave it a go. Please contact Becky either in church or at

Minster Craft Stall – The Minster Craft Stall which you may see in the church when an event is on, is run by Becky and Glenis. If you come to the tutorials, you do not have to be involved with the stall but of course, are always welcome.

All profits from the stall go to the Minster. The funds from the stall bought the defibrillator and recently we paid for the box that houses the defibrillator which is on the wall by the shop.

Posters will shortly be put up on the board in church.


  • We pray for all volunteers and staff at the Minster

  • ·We pray for the ‘warm church’ initiative. For guidance as changes are made and another day is introduced

  • For those we know who are sick or bereaved, for healing and comfort.

  • We pray for Layton and George, their parents, brother, and godparents as they are baptised on Sunday

  • We pray for an end to the unrest in our country due to the many strikes that are taking place – for an acceptable solution


God of heaven

You send the gospel to the ends of the earth

and your messengers to every nation;

send your Holy Spirit to transform us

by the good news of everlasting life

in Jesus Christ our Lord