Hull Minster

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Eve's Final Reflection - August Ministry Team Reflection

I write this before my final Sunday in August as I prepare to leave Hull and move to Leeds to begin my role as Associate Rector at St. George’s Leeds in September. It is hard to sum up all that Hull Minster, its people and community, has meant to me over the last three years. I have been so encouraged, released and inspired during my time here! Working with this team, both the staff and the many wonderful volunteers, has been an absolute privilege and I’ve learnt so much from everyone I’ve worked with. I hope I have offered something too.


Hull Minster is a distinctive place  - we have continued to be the ‘civic’ church, offering prayer, presence and a prophetic voice to the city. I have been so chuffed to see the visitor numbers increase, and to be part of Minster Making, and many other events which see thousands of people enjoying the amazing space, and finding a moment of quiet and peace in their busy lives. Alongside this important role, we have seen congregations increase as new members have joined us, some from no church or faith background at all – this is so wonderful! Baptising new believers and seeing others confirm their faith is one of the favourite parts of this ‘job’, when it feels much more like a vocation than tasks to do! We worship in a diverse range of styles and traditions that I’m confident to say is unique in the UK, and such a significant demonstration of God’s people worshipping in His Kingdom, many members, One Body. Everyone has a part to play, everyone is valuable.

My prayer for Hull Minster as it continues as a worshipping community into the coming years is that you stand confident in your distinctiveness (in worship, in diversity of community, and in your role in the city), knowing that it is Jesus Christ that unites you, and that it is following Jesus that give you your calling as your serve the city. With God, we lack nothing (Psalm 23). Without God, we can do no good thing (John 15:5; Psalm 16:2).


Worship God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is everything.

Enjoy the amazing community this place offers – and pray for one another.

Explore your faith (however deep, or floundering), with enthusiasm and purpose. God won’t disappoint you.

Belong with others, and invite others to belong. So many are longing to be part of what we are