Holy Trinity Church Launches History Group
With over 700 years of history Holy Trinity Church offers a wealth of topics for a new history group that the church is launching in March 2016.
Dedicated to studying Holy Trinity’s enthralling history the new group will meet at lunchtime on the third Tuesday of each month. The first meeting is on March 15th 2016 at 12 o’clock in the church and is open to anyone interested in finding out more about the history of Holy Trinity.
Organising the group is John Lawson, a volunteer Welcomer at the church: “The idea for the history group began as a way of bringing together people who are keen to share their research and knowledge more widely by focusing on specific aspects of the story of Holy Trinity Church in these lunchtime meetings. For that reason the Tuesday meetings are open to anyone who is interested in local history and the history of Holy Trinity Church in particular.”
The first meeting of the Holy Trinity History Group will focus on the renovations of the church in the 1840s. A time when the population of Hull was expanding rapidly but Holy Trinity was in a dilapidated state and needed urgent repairs and updating. How the Churchwardens went about raising the money to finance the renovations makes for a fascinating story involving a drunken sexton and cut-price burials in the crypt.
Reverend Canon Dr. Neal Barnes said of Holy Trinity’s new history group: "I am very supportive of this new initiative. We are well aware that we have the privilege of gathering to worship God in this stunning building at the heart of Hull, which was built to his glory. It is moving to learn of the dedication and sacrifice that successive generations have made to erect, protect, maintain and enhance Holy Trinity. By learning more about our history, we will be inspired to look to our future with excitement."
The Holy Trinity History Group holds its first meeting at 12 o’clock, Tuesday 15th March 2016 in the church chancel. Meetings are free and open to the public. Subsequent meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month.