Prayer and Parties Week
Holy Trinity has launched a week of prayer and parties.
A range of events and activities are going on for all ages as a way of celebrating all that God is doing and committing to Him all that is planned for 2016.
Holy Trinity’s pioneer minister Revd Matt Woodcock, who is helping to co-ordinate the week, said: “Jesus loved to pray and party. In doing so he gave us a picture of what the Kingdom of God is like. We want to be a church which prioritises prayer and parties. There’s no better way to grow closer to God and to each other. We have all sorts going on this week. It’s an open invitation to the people of Hull. We’d love to welcome you.”
The week’s events are as follows:
Tuesday, January 19th:
· ‘Special places’ event in HT at 12noon followed by cake and hot drinks.
· Fish and chips party in HT at 6pm followed by prayer and reflections.
Wednesday, January 20th:
· Celebration service at Raleigh Court nursing home at 10.30am.
· HT Refresh Bible study, prayer and fellowship in the parish centre from 7pm.
· Candlelit Compline night prayer in HT at 9.15pm.
Thursday, January 21st:
· HT Praise service in HT at 10.30am followed by homemade cake party.
· HT Men’s group games night in HT at 7.30pm.
· Compline night prayer in HT at 9.15pm
Saturday, January 23rd:
· HT Kids Why Believe? Event in HT from 3pm-5pm. Includes music, games, puppets and competitions.
· 18-30s Party and Prayer up the HT Tower from 6pm.
Sunday, January 24th:
· HT bacon butty breakfast at 8.30am.
· The 4pm post-service party. Quiz, bagels, toast, drinks and fun from 5pm in HT.