Hull Minster

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Lost at Sea - Poppy Installation 2015

Once again between November 3rd and 29th we welcome Martin Waters poppy installation and he writes:-

This year I wanted to think about the men and women who died at sea. The Royal Navy. The Merchant Navy. Trawlermen who served their country from Hull and other ports. The men and women travelling from one war zone to another and were attacked and sunk on route. The artwork suggests the idea of drowning, perhaps at sea, but it very well could be drowning and suffocating in the mud and gas of the first world war.
This made more poignant as it is 100 years since the use of gas in the First World War.

Through my poppy installations at Holy Trinity Church I have come to know some of the seamen who served in these dangerous waters, it has been an honour to meet them.
Why not come along and lay down a poppy with me in remembrance of these brave men and women who died in the service of their country so that we can live our lives today.

Martin Waters