Hull Minster

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Christmas at Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity will be bringing the real meaning of Christmas alive in spectacular fashion.

The Live Nativity returns on Saturday, December 20th, and will include a colourful procession from St Stephen’s Shopping Centre at 1.30pm. Joseph, Mary and a real donkey will be joined by a supporting cast of nativity characters supplied by the Northern Academy of Performing Arts. They will process through the railway station, Princes Quay, Prospect Centre and Whitefriargate, treating shoppers to spontaneous live performances and carol singing. The event will finish inside Holy Trinity at 3.30pm with a short, candlelit service for all ages.

Organiser Revd Irene Wilson, Holy Trinity’s assistant curate, is working with local Methodist preacher Jill Taylor on the event. She said: “The Live Nativity will be a bit different this year but no less exciting and with a few surprises thrown in. Come and join the procession and discover what Christmas is really all about!”

Holy Trinity’s other Christmas offerings include:

·       December 6th   7.00pm  Hull University Music Society Concert

        December 7th   4.30pm    Hull University Carol Service

        December 11th   5.30pm    Law Society Carol Service

        December 14th, 6.30pm:    EYMS concert.

        December 15th   7.00pm    Dignity Carol Service

         December 16th  7.00pm     Dignity Carol Service

·         December 21st, 3pm:          Toddler Nativity.

·       December 21st, 6.30pm: Nine Lessons and Carols.

·       December 22nd, 12.30pm: Shoppers’ Carols.

·       December 22nd, 6pm: Pub Carols.

·       December 24th, 11.30pm: Midnight Holy Communion.

·       December 25th, 10am: Christmas Day Family Communion

.       DEcember 28th 10.30am Carols & Readings for Christmas with Holy Communion

Holy Trinity’s pioneer minister, Revd Matt Woodcock, is organising ‘Pub Carols’ for the first time this year. He will carry a crib holding the baby Jesus into pubs in the Old Town accompanied by a merry band of costumed singers and musicians. They will meet in the church car park at 6pm on December 22nd.

Matt said: “I love the idea of creating a series of carol sing-a-longs in our neighbouring pubs to generate some community spirit and remind people that Christmas starts with Christ. Get a tea towel on your head and come and join the party!”